Healing takes time

I was the weird one, the broken one, the one everyone ran to

The little girl who was always happy until she wasn’t

It went from safe and secure, to scared and confused

I’m a lost soul bound to Jesus’ Name, yet when I call out its all faint

Don’t assume you know me, if you think I lie all the time

That’ll only harm me more and make me fly

My body aches each day I wake, but nobody bats a eye or stays awake

I’m not a victim nor blame others for my faults

Its simply sin and darkness that’s the root of it all

Yet when I speak its not heard nor anyone cares

Its only viewed as complaining when really its just pain

Silence me. Tell me I’m a liar.

Block me and fume in anger

My life gets better as yours crumbles

Why, you ask?

Because God is my Word.

So as I sit in darkness suffering alone

Remember who you are and what your words do

They hurt, they burn and scratch my mind

Only to be used against you when its fight or flight time

Shut up, or sit down

Listen or don’t

Because in the end if you can’t hear me

Only those who love will

I’m not a victim by you, but of constant suffering

You can’t save me, only God can each day

I’m plagued by fear, confusion and pain

But guess what, it doesn’t mean a thing

Being me has helped me cope

So stop choking me and let me go

I want to be happy and smile and laugh

Not be told to stop it and stay back

My life was and is how God created me

Not ‘normal’ but me.

I’m special

I’m unique

I’m wired differently

So let me be that way

Its not an excuse to live my life

But it will destroy me by saying that

You can be normal, but I won’t be

I’ll embrace how God made me

Not feel punished or broken

Let me be

Let me heal

~Coram Deo~